Manifolds EQF80x series with pressure relief valves SS9265 series
Manifolds for mounting pressure relief valves valves type SS9265.
- Body: Cast 316 stainless steel
- cover: 304 stainless steel
- SS9265 valve: 316 stainless steel
The EQF80X manifolds are fitted with a poppet mounted on a rotation axis allowing a single valve to be isolated at a time.
The decompression and gassing system is provided automatically by the valve stem.
SS9265 external valves are closed bell valves.
This system avoids any corrosion of the valve spring.
With vent tube standard length 240 mm (other lengths on request).
Assembly complies with CE PED 2014/68/EU

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Product categories
This product is present in the following categories:
- Industrial gases > Refrigerant gases > Equipment for tanks and pipings > Pressure relief valves
- LPG > LPG storage > Above ground big bulk LPG storage tanks > Pressure relief valves
- LPG > LPG storage > Under ground big bulk LPG storage tanks > Pressure relief valves
- Industrial gases > Ammoniac - NH3 > Equipment for tanks and pipings > Pressure relief valves